Wholesale Coffee Beans, Coffee Supplies & Barista Training in Hereford, Herefordshire
Hereford is a cathedral city that lies on the River Wye and borders Wales. The city is famous for its beer and cider; however, the coffee is now one of the talking points with an array of independent coffee shops in the heart of the city. Rule of Tum, Ascari’s Café and De Koffie Pot are just some of the independent delights that grace the city with their lovely coffee. With more openings in the city every month, all wanting a piece of this coffee juggernaut.
Iron & Fire is passionate about growing the UK coffee industry and we strive to support independent coffee shops by providing access to premium, organic beans. Not only are we sourcing and roasting in the UK, but our coffee beans are now being shipped worldwide so everyone can experience the best quality coffee. Join us in helping local coffee scenes flourish!

With the soaring popularity of speciality coffee, Iron & Fire is proud to be part of a growing industry that encourages individuals and small businesses to open independent coffee shops. Our commitment to providing delicious, organic coffees helps power the growth of these new business ventures while also supporting established venues. In addition to supplying beans on a national scale, we are dedicated to helping aspiring baristas and coffee professionals learn the craft of roasting with our barista courses.
Hereford’s coffee scene is vibrant and we are dedicated to helping businesses secure great-tasting premium coffee beans. Our roasting process ensures the finest produce that customers enjoy both locally and across the country. Choose from our selection of whole, green, or freshly ground beans in your favourite grind – all at a great price!
In addition to our coffee beans, we understand that investing in high-quality coffee machines can be expensive, so we offer an affordable rental service. Our machines pay for themselves quickly and allow businesses to reinvest any profits made back into the company. Don’t miss out on your chance to offer exceptional coffee without breaking the bank!

What Are The Difficulties Faced By Starting / Running a Coffee Business?
Starting any business can be a challenge, and when it comes to coffee businesses like cafés, lounges, or stalls, the struggle is no different. Iron & Fire is here to help make those first steps into the coffee industry a little bit easier with our organic beans and budget-friendly rental service. Let us help you get your business up and running!
Although starting and running a coffee business may come with several issues, these can be overcome by:
- Finding a way to reduce large overheads for machinery and equipment through grants or leasing
- Choosing a reliable supplier for effective and efficient service
- Ensuring high-quality coffee stock and supplies
- Providing barista knowledge, skills, and training

The UK coffee industry has had a tremendous growth in recent years, but Iron & Fire is of the opinion that we are still just at the beginning. Our mission is to facilitate this growth by providing those involved with the necessary knowledge and skillset to excel in their coffee businesses in Hereford.
At Iron & Fire, we understand the struggles many face when starting their own business such as limited resources and technical know-how. This is why we can help by providing:
- Affordable coffee machine rental service to ensure the necessary equipment is available without high costs.
- Reliable and efficient suppliers for sustainable growth of the industry partners.
- Barista Training – tailored training solutions for those striving to make a great tasting cup of coffee with skillsets, tips and tricks.
- High quality organic coffee beans that guarantee a delicious cup every time.

So, Should I Start a Coffee Business in Hereford?
Hereford has a vibrant cafe culture and many independent cafes and shops selling speciality coffees. It also has a number of larger national outlets providing high quality coffee products at competitive prices. This means that consumers have plenty of choice when it comes to getting their caffeine fix. Furthermore, the city’s location – being close to both Birmingham and Cardiff – make it easily accessible from other major cities. All in all, Hereford is an ideal environment for launching a coffee business venture.
If you’re considering starting up a coffee business in Hereford, whether it’s a café, coffee lounge or any other related venture, Iron & Fire is here to help. Our coffee experts are always ready to provide guidance and advice on all things coffee related. We can offer insight into the industry, in-depth understanding of available resources and potential opportunities. Why not have a chat with our experts?