Roaster’s Choice Coffee Subscription
If you’ve taken a look at our coffee subscriptions, then you’ll have seen that we offer a Roaster’s Choice coffee subscription option.
Every month, a different ethically sourced coffee from around the world is hand selected by our Head Roaster, Kev Burrows, and sent out for you to try. Picked for their unique qualities and taste profiles, this offers you the very best quality coffee beans, hand roasted using bespoke convection roasting techniques to bring out their optimum flavours for you to enjoy. Whether it be a light, fruity Kenyan, or an intense, chocolatey Costa Rican; you will experience a range of taste profiles.
This is the best coffee subscription for coffee lovers who aren’t afraid to try new beans!
You can find all of the details about our current Roaster’s Choice coffee below.
If you’re looking for an older Roaster’s Choice coffee, then scroll down further to find all of our previous selections! You can also find information on each selection on our social media pages.
CUrrently, our Roaster’s Choice coffee is the:
January 2025
Country: Bolivia
Method: Washed
Altitude: 1100 – 1750m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Almond, Vanilla
This certified Organic and Fair Trade coffee comes from the 42 women of the Café Femenino Bolivia Program. They are members of the Cooperative Union ProAgro. The coffee is milled and exported by PROASSA.
Overcoming a variety of barriers – including geographic isolation, rugged terrain, and a traditionally lower status in society – the women of Café Femenino Bolivia Program have successfully improved their coffee-producing livelihoods, their future prospects, and the health of their families and communities. It all started in 2009, when the women separated their coffee production from the men’s, created a women’s association, and started their own Café Femenino Program in Bolivia.
One of the first advancements the women in Bolivia achieved upon joining Café Femenino was having their names included on the titles to their land. This may sound trivial, but by doing so, the land remains with each woman if she becomes abandoned or is widowed, thereby providing protection from further poverty for herself and her children.
Psychologically, this act instils a sense of value and ownership over each woman’s livelihood and business. This is a powerful means of creating self-esteem for women who are accustomed to being viewed as servants to their husbands.
The Yungas region of Bolivia produces the majority of the country’s coffee. Over time, government reforms have redistributed land from large landowners to rural farming families, resulting in a landscape dominated by smallholder farms, which now account for 95% of Bolivia’s coffee production.
Whether by design or circumstance, much of Bolivia’s coffee is grown organically. The region’s high altitudes, fertile soils, and consistent year-round rainfall create ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. However, limited investment in infrastructure presents challenges, particularly in the logistics of exporting coffee.
Similarly to other coffee producing South American countries, coffee from Bolivia tends to be medium bodied, creamy and lightly acidic. This coffee is a blend of caturra and la criolla varietals and has an SCA score of 83.5. In the cup, you can expect a sweet and nutty aroma with a consistent, clean flavour of cocoa, almond and subtle vanilla notes. It suits all brew methods, but makes a syrupy espresso and is wonderful with milk.
Need a helping hand with your brew?
We’ve roasted this coffee so that it’s super flexible and can be brewed in a variety of different ways, so it will still taste amazing regardless of how you brew it. Click the button below to check out our extensive brew guides if you want a helping hand with getting the best out of your beans!
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Up next…
We’ve got some fantastic coffees already lined up for the next few months, including a coffee from Mexico and a Honduran microlot…
Looking for a coffee you have enjoyed previously?
January: Bolivia Cafe Feminino
Country: Bolivia
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1100 – 1750m
Tasting Notes: Cocoa, Almond, Vanilla
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25 – 28 seconds.
This certified Organic and Fair Trade coffee comes from the 42 women of the Café Femenino Bolivia Program. They are members of the Cooperative Union ProAgro. The coffee is milled and exported by PROASSA.
Overcoming a variety of barriers – including geographic isolation, rugged terrain, and a traditionally lower status in society – the women of Café Femenino Bolivia Program have successfully improved their coffee-producing livelihoods, their future prospects, and the health of their families and communities. It all started in 2009, when the women separated their coffee production from the men’s, created a women’s association, and started their own Café Femenino Program in Bolivia.
One of the first advancements the women in Bolivia achieved upon joining Café Femenino was having their names included on the titles to their land. This may sound trivial, but by doing so, the land remains with each woman if she becomes abandoned or is widowed, thereby providing protection from further poverty for herself and her children.
Psychologically, this act instills a sense of value and ownership over each woman’s livelihood and business. This is a powerful means of creating self-esteem for women who are accustomed to being viewed as servants to their husbands.
The Yungas region of Bolivia produces the majority of the country’s coffee. Over time, government reforms have redistributed land from large landowners to rural farming families, resulting in a landscape dominated by smallholder farms, which now account for 95% of Bolivia’s coffee production.
Whether by design or circumstance, much of Bolivia’s coffee is grown organically. The region’s high altitudes, fertile soils, and consistent year-round rainfall create ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. However, limited investment in infrastructure presents challenges, particularly in the logistics of exporting coffee.
Similarly to other coffee producing South American countries, coffee from Bolivia tends to be medium bodied, creamy and lightly acidic. This coffee is a blend of caturra and la criolla varietals and has an SCA score of 83.5. In the cup, you can expect a sweet and nutty aroma with a consistent, clean flavour of cocoa, almond and subtle vanilla notes. It suits all brew methods, but makes a syrupy espresso and is wonderful with milk.
SANTA'S BEAN: 02/12/2024 - 31/12/2024
Country: Lapland, Finland...
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1200 - 1800m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Spice, Orange Zest, Raisin
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25 - 28 seconds.
As per our tradition, we always choose one of our Christmas blends for our Roaster’s Choice coffee during the festive period. This year, we have gone for our fantastic Santa’s Bean blend.
The origin of this coffee is top secret as per Santa’s instructions! However, he has shared a little information with us and so this is what we know…
This year’s Santa’s Bean, a Fairtrade certified blend of Catuai and Caturra varietals, is an SHB (Strictly Hard Bean) coffee. To be considered an SHB, the coffee has to be grown at 1200m above sea level or higher. The higher altitude and lower temperatures these coffees grow at mean that the coffee fruit matures more slowly, creating a denser bean.
It is a fully washed coffee that has been carefully roasted to bring out the distinct spice and Christmas cake flavours, with notes of chocolate and orange zest. A unique and very festive flavour profile and definitely one to try during the festive season! It’s a very versatile coffee that suits a variety of brew methods, but we’ve particularly enjoyed it brewed up in a cafetiere and as an espresso-based drink.
EL SALVADOR SANTA ISABEL: 28/10/2024 - 01/12/2024
Country: El Salvador
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1200 - 1400m
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Raspberry, Spice
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
This coffee comes from several ranches that are managed by the Hernández family (specifically Victor Manuel and Thelma), covering roughly 210 acres in the Cacahuatique Mountains, El Salvador. The largest ranch is called the Paulina at 1200 meters above sea level. This area is known for its coffee culture and for being the fountain of water to many departments in the country.
It was all started by Victor Manuel and Thelma's great-grandfather Cesario Hernández, who started cultivating Bourbon coffee inbetween 1950 and 1960 with just five acres of land. The tradition of growing coffee has been kept in the family for four generations.
Nowadays, Bourbon, Pacas, and Catimor are cultivated on this specific farm. Collectively, the ranches produce roughly 800 bags of coffee annually.
This coffee is ranked in the top 20 best coffees nationally and top 3 in the Cacahuatique Mountains. The humid to the tropical climate, high altitude, and moist soil are all contributing factors to the quality of the coffee.
This coffee is great for both filter and espresso in particular with sweet and mild acidity. We have roasted it to bring out tasting notes of dark chocolate, raspberry, and spice.
RWANDA KININI KARASHA: 30/09/2024 - 27/10/2024
Country: Rwanda
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1800 - 2150m
Tasting Notes: Blackberry, Cranberry, Lemon
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
In 2008, Jacquie Turner and Malcolm Clear set up a charity, but they didn’t start growing coffee until 2012. It was then that 38 of the 252 hectares were planted with Bourbon Mayaguez 139 seedlings. This totalled nearly half a million new trees that are now cropping.
The cultivar itself most likely originated from the island of Reunion (which is the same place where the original Bourbon mutation was first noted), together with Jackson and a bourbon mutation. The third commonly found cultivar, Bourbon Mayaguez 71, could have come from Ethiopia.
“Kinini” translates very literally as ‘this big thing right here’. The Karasha lot is a separation from amongst the 633 farmers (of which about 85% are women) that are currently using the Kinini washing station, chosen from trees at altitudes of 1800 - 2150masl on north-easterly facing slopes in the Rolando District of Rwanda. The coffee is grown on terroir that is provably excellent for producing coffee, with Cup of Excellence winning lots coming from neighbouring areas already.
Coffee is depulped and there are many tanks for fermentation both with and without water, these lead to channels to both the soaking tanks and then down to the drying beds. The coffee is then fermented for 5-20 hours before being sun dried for an average of 15 days depending on the intensity of the sun. Improvements in the area include new roads being built to improve access for the many farmers that have to deliver their takings by 4pm in order to maintain quality, a roasting facility, the introduction of natural and other processing methods, and a worm bed for turning the coffee cherry into organic fertiliser. Satellite technology is also used to monitor leaf glare from the trees to check for signs of disease or infestation.
This coffee has an SCA score of 86 and delivers a delightful mix of sweet, juicy flavours with pleasant citrus acidity. You can expect tasting notes of blackberry, cranberry, and lemon.
MYANMAR GREEN LAND: 16/09/2024 - 29/09/2024
Country: Myanmar
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1100 - 1250m
Tasting Notes: Orange, Almond, Cocoa
Advised Brew Method:Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
Green Land Coffee Plantation was founded by U Sai Wan Maing in 1999 after selling his rubber plantation. It's located in Pyin Oo Lwin (formerly Maymyo), a scenic hill town known for its botanical gardens and examples of colonial architecture.
Green Land is one of Myanmar’s largest coffee farms, starting out as 30 acres with rapid expansion in the first three years to becoming over 580,000 coffee trees grown on 450 acres. The main variety grown is locally known as Costa Rica, though in reality is a Catimor from Costa Rica. SL34 forms around 10% of the farm but U Sai Wan is also conducting experiments with Yellow Bourbon, Caturra and Catuai too.
Around 15 workers are employed full time on the farm, rising to 100 when the harvest is ongoing. For an average day though, around 50 workers are present on the farm. There are basic wet and dry milling facilities if needed, but exporter Mandalay Coffee Group has better more specific equipment so the preference is to mill with them.
This is a smooth coffee with a creamy body and tasting notes of almond, orange and cocoa.
NICARAGUA LAS NUBES: 02/09/2024 - 15/09/2024
Country: Nicaragua
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1300 - 1500m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Maple Syrup, Apple
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
Las Nubes are located in the Cordillera Isabelia mountain range in Matagalpa and Jinotega (one of the first regions in Nicaragua that started producing coffee on a large scale), being a group of seven farms sharing a wet mill and processing facilities.
The name Las Nubes comes from the beautiful views that the clouds make around the tops of the mountains and over the farms in this region, which features several of the most productive haciendas in the country. The fertile soils, plenty of rain and rivers make this area geographically perfect for growing coffee.
The farm has a long and turbulent history, like many in Nicaragua. Re-possessed by the government in the 1980’s, and finally returned to the owners to be revived and dedicated to the production of high quality coffee. The farm has about 25 blocks planted with coffee, which are in production and a further 30 acres of protected virgin forest, and produces a variety of hybrid and Catimor varietals alongside Caturras, Pacamara and Bourbon.
This is a really tasty coffee, from which you can expect tasting notes of chocolate, maple syrup, and apple. It is lovely through milk and black, as well.
BRAZIL BOM DIA: 19/08/2024 - 01/09/2024
Country: Brazil
Process Method: Natural
Altitude: 900 - 1250m
Tasting Notes: Cherry, Raisin, Chocolate, Hazelnut, Toffee
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
This coffee comes from Fazendo Rancho Grande Coffee in the State of Minas Gerais. Coffee production at the Rancho Grande Farm began in 1933 and today José Carlos Reis and his son Flavio (Fafa), represent the second and third generation. The farm's mission is to responsibly produce the highest possible quality while respecting the environment and caring for the well-being of its employees, who have board and lodging provided by the farm.
At the farm they are very open to change and try new techniques and have invested in different drying systems to improve the quality and profile of the coffees they can produce. They have been working very hard to improve the quality of their coffees and for the Specialty market, working on all aspects of production of their batches: plant growth, hand picking and post harvest treatments.
Once the coffees have been mechanically harvested, to speed up the process, they are separated by density according to their level of ripeness. The 'Boia' (ripe cherry) and 'Boian' (slightly over-ripe) are selected to be placed in the static drying containers. These are 1m deep containers with a capacity of 15,000 litres of cherry volume, which corresponds to about 25-30 bags of green coffee.
The containers have ventilated grilles at the bottom to allow air to circulate from the bottom to the top through the coffee, drying it. Initially, cold air is used for 12 hours to slowly help the fermentation process and then the temperature is gradually increased to achieve a drying time of 7 to 10 days. There are two thermometers at different depths to keep the temperature of the coffee below 40°C at all times. They work with dryers that leave the coffee stationary. No movement or rotation takes place.
After drying, the coffee is left for approximately 1-2 weeks to rest in the dry cherry before being decorticated. This method produces more fruity flavours and more accurate profiles than the classic Brazilian natural.
Bom Dia takes its name from “good morning” in Brazilian and it’s a mixture of Mundo Novo, Catuaí and Bourbon varieties. It impresses with a balanced acidity ranging from gentle to citrusy. A silky texture promises a pleasant mouthfeel. Flavours of cherry, chocolate, hazelnut, raisin, and toffee combine to create an unparalleled taste with a delightful finish and a long-lasting aftertaste.
PAPUA NEW GUINEA ELIMBARI A: 05/08/2024 - 18/08/2024
Country: Papua New Guinea
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1500 - 1800m
Tasting Notes: Green Apple, Chocolate, Treacle
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
We’ve just had a brand new harvest of the Papua New Guinea Elimbari that we just had to share with you, as it’s going down so well with the team here at the Iron & Fire Roastery.
The cherry for Elimbari originates from the coffee growing slopes on Mount Wilhelm, within the New Guinea Highlands. Coffee is grown mainly by smallholders in ‘gardens’ – a small plot of land that contains everything from a few trees up to a three-hectare plot at most.
Once picked coffee is pulped, and then dry fermented for 24 hours in wooden or plastic boxes before being washed and dried on tarpaulin drying beds. Coffee is then sold to collectors and taken to the renovated dry mill facility belonging to Kongo, who cup, select, process and hand sort where necessary before bagging and exporting the coffee.
In the cup, you can expect juicy green apple notes which are balanced with creamy chocolate and sweet caramel/treacle notes. This makes for a very tasty coffee!
We suggest drinking this as a flat white or latte as it’s great through milk. It can, however, be brewed however you want as it is a flexible coffee that works across all brew methods.
HONDURAS GEA DIOSA DE LA TIERRA: 22/07/2024 - 04/08/2024
Country: Honduras
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1100 - 1650m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Floral, Grape
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
We are proud to be working with female only producers from Honduras to bring you this coffee! The producers source this fully washed coffee directly from Lempira, Ocotepeque, Intibuca, Copan, La Paz, El Paraíso and Comayagua.
In Greek mythology, Gea is the goddess of the Earth and the mother of all creation. This regional blend is created from the coffees of more than 400 women producers, who together make up RMC. This organisation was initially established in 2015 to support coffee families through the process of recovering from the rust epidemic. It pairs producers with agronomists who share best practices on plant nutrition, pest control, tissue management and the preparation of bio-fertilizers. Through NKG Bloom, those services have been expanded and paired with access to financing and traceability through mobile applications, among other benefits.
Women producers absolutely seize the opportunities and challenges that coffee growing presents. Women also create opportunities and resources for one another, work during harvest, offer advice and bring notable attention to detail in their drying and milling. They have also shown their ability to take a rough patch of land and turn it into a successful coffee farm, in part by planting timber and fruit alongside coffee crops, to increase shade and soil moisture and to encourage microclimates that bring complexity and quality to the cup.
Honduras NKG Bloom Gea farms are at altitudes between 1,100 and 1,650 meters. The producers use drying practices that include patios, solar dryers and raised beds. This coffee is produced without the use of artificial pesticides or fertilisers
This coffee has a pleasant floral aroma, with tasting notes of smooth milk chocolate followed by some floral/herbal notes and sweet, juicy green grape notes.
GUATEMALA BOJANGLES: 08/07/2024 - 21/07/2024
Country: Guatemala
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1350 - 2000m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Plum, Almond
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
This fully-washed Guatemalan is from the north highlands, home to exceptional coffees with distinct acidity and fruited flavours. Thanks to the dry, hot winds that blow into the mountains from Mexico’s Tehuantepec plain, the region is protected from frost, allowing cultivation from 1350 feet above sea level.
Guatemala is one of the world's top coffee origins and the eighth largest producer. This relatively small country boasts the most climatically diverse regions in the world.
The tasting notes for this coffee are chocolate, plum and almond. This one is very versatile and works amazingly across the board from black coffees through to lattes.
PERU EL OSO: 24/06/2024 - 07/07/2024
Country: Peru
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1350 - 1890m
Tasting Notes: Milk Chocolate, Blackberry, Caramel
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
Coffee here is commonly fermented in wooden tanks built from fallen Romerillo trees (regulations prohibit the chopping down of them).
Red cherries are picked and floated to remove any defects, twigs, and stray leaves. Once cleaned, it will be fermented for 18 to 36 hours (dependent on weather conditions etc) and washed again, before being spread to dry for between 10 to 21 days, again weather dependent.
The cooperative has a number of funds available to members, that cover a large number of needs that arise from technical agricultural training to community development, health funds and a micro credit facility.
With this coffee you can expect tasting notes of milk chocolate, blackberry and caramel. It’s super versatile, and has been a firm favourite with the team here.
TANZANIA MBILA TWIGA PEABERRY: 10/06/2024 - 23/06/2024
Country: Tanzania
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1400 - 1800m
Tasting Notes: Raspberry, Blackberry, Chamomile
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
This is a blend from two producers (Karatu Estate & Makiidi RCS) in neighbouring regions in Tanzania; Arusha & Kilimanjaro. The name, ‘Mbili Twiga’, translates as “two giraffes” and symbolises the coming together of the coffees to create this high-quality washed coffee.
This is a particularly unique coffee as it is a peaberry. Usually, a coffee cherry contains two genetically identical beans. However, peaberries are a natural mutation which occurs when instead of two beans, the cherry produces just one, rounded bean which is the size and shape of a pea, hence the name.
The cherries are processed at both farm level and, for the smallholders, at the washing station. Once fermented, cleaned, soaked, and dried on raised beds or patios, the peaberries are then screen-sorted from the rest of the crop before being graded separately.
Due to the way it grows it has bright acidity, lots of sweetness and complex flavours in the cup. We have roasted this coffee slightly lighter to bring out tasting notes of raspberry, blackberry and chamomile. This one works amazingly as a long black / Americano or pourover!
COSTA RICA SAN JORGE: 27/05/2024 - 09/06/2024
Country: Costa Rica
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 700 - 1100m
Tasting Notes: Walnut, Molasses, Citrus
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
This fully washed coffee is grown by small holder farmers working with Coopeagri R.L, which was established in 1962 by 391 small-scale farmers with the aim of building and sustaining a strong and supportive farmer organisation. This was in part to improve living standards amongst the community but also provide development opportunities to their communities. They rented the San Jorge Mill to process their coffee.1969 saw them open a supermarket to serve their community and provide income diversity to the farmers. Today, Coopeagri boasts more than 10,000 members.
Coming from is the Brunca region, this area is marked by mountainous terrain and volcanic soil. The varietals, Catuai and Caturra, are grown between 700 – 1100 meters. The cooperative produces organic fertilizer that members can access to help them maintain ecologically healthy farms. Due to the small nature of each, usually family-owned plot, averaging around two and a half hectares, individually applying for official organic status would prove to be too costly and unwieldly, However, even without official sanction, the coffee you are tasting is wonderfully and lovingly grown and nurtured.
You’ll find this coffee offers a really interesting nutty flavour, with a subtle sweetness and just a hint of citrus acidity.
INDONESIA OLD BROWN JAVA: 13/05/2024 - 26/05/2024
Country: Indonesia
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 900 - 1500m
Tasting Notes: Tobacco, Cinnamon, Oak
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
Java, nicknamed “the spice island,” is the fourth-largest island in Indonesia but is home to more than half the country's population.
Coffee on Java is mostly grown on its eastern end, around the Ijen volcano, and harvested between July and September. More recently, Arabica has been planted in West and Central Java, and production is increasing every year.
Thanks in part to its rich soil and abundant rainfall, Indonesia is the world’s third-leading producer and exporter of coffee. Approximately 90 percent of Indonesia’s production is Robusta, with Arabica comprising the remaining 10 percent.
Old Brown Java - also known as Old Brown coffee or Old Government Java - was traditionally used as ballast on sailing ships travelling to Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries, where the sea water gave the coffee a distinct flavour.
This particular Old Brown Java is grown on the Blawan estate. This state-owned farm benefits from its lofty position, the microclimate on the plateau, and the incredibly rich soil produced by centuries of volcanic activity.
Its mild acidity, heavy-bodied taste and sweetness is attained through a weathering process that can take between 2 and 7 years. The green coffee beans that have been milled but not yet roasted are exposed to the region's moist, warm air throughout the rainy season. The 'monsooning' process results in a strengthening of the coffee's taste and a weakening of the acidity. There is also a distinct colour change from the original green tint of the coffee beans to a light brown colour.
The flavour of these beans is very unique, only similar only to our Indian Monsoon Malabar. A musky aroma is paired with very rustic earthy note – in the cup, you can expect to taste tobacco, cinnamon, and oak. This coffee has a very full body and low acidity, with a long finish that makes it especially impressive.
MALAWI PAMWAMBA AAA: 29/04/2024 - 12/05/2024
Country: Malawi
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1000 -1200m
Tasting Notes: Citrus, Floral, Stone Fruit
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
Coffee has only been grown in Malawi since the early 1980's, but with increasing sophistication. The coffee farms all maintain programs to subsidize the cost of housing, health care and education for workers and their families.
This particular coffee, Malawi Pamwamba, comes from the Mpanga and Ngapani estates — both of which are Rainforest Alliance certified. They were established in 1988, after lands were transferred from a government company back into private hands.
The estates sit near the foothills of the 1,730-meter Msondole Mountain in Southern Malawi, at the border with Mozambique. Three rivers naturally run through the properties — the Mpeni River, the Ngapani River the Nsondole River. The Mpeni has since been dammed and supports the farms’ drip irrigation systems.
The coffees are fully washed and naturally sun dried. The flowering is triggered after the first rains in early November. After the early-flowering fly crop, mature cherries are picked by hand, starting in late May.
This coffee has a smooth body and citrus acidity. You can therefore expect citrus and floral tasting notes, with a hint of stone fruits. Notes of dark chocolate will come through when put through milk.
MEXICO NKG BLOOM MAD MASH: 15/04/2024 – 28/04/2024
Country: Mexico
Process Method: Semi-washed
Altitude: 1500 -1800m
Tasting Notes: Syrup, Green Apple, Tropical Fruit
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
Mexico NKG Bloom Los Altos is the work of 102 indigenous women from five municipalities of the Los Altos de Chiapas region of Mexico. Mad Mash is produced by a group of smallholder farmers in Chimhucum, where the population is 100% indigenous. The Tzotziles and the Tzeltales are two related Mayan groups that, together with the Tojolabales, inhabit Los Altos and some municipalities in the surrounding area. Here, they speak Tzotzil - 'Mad Mash' is a combination of English and Tzotzil; it translates as "Crazy Monkey".
The coffee, including Sarchimor, Caturra, and Catuai varieties, is grown under shade trees in the mountains of Los Altos. The farms use sustainable practices, such as compost and water treatment. The producers use artisinal processes such as hand depulping, fermentation tanks, and sun-drying. The most peculiar thing regarding this coffee is that the producers use a semi-washed process, as they only ferment the coffees for between 6 to 12 hours. This creates a lot of unique flavours.
The farm sits in an area that is in the highest part of the region, which is why it has a humid and cold climate for most of the year. As a result, this creates a microclimate for coffee with exceptional flavour in the cup. That's exactly what we have here: you can expect tasting notes of green apple and tropical fruits. It's a very palatable coffee that is bright, with juicy acidity, and a full, syrupy body.
BRAZIL FAZENDA PARAISO: 01/04/2024 – 14/04/2024
Country: Brazil
Process Method: Natural
Altitude: 900 -1100m
Tasting Notes: Chocolate, Nuts, Caramelised Biscuit
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
Fazenda Paraiso is a farm is situated in the valley of Serra da Pedra Branca; a region that presents ideal conditions for coffee production, including an average altitude of 950 meters and a climate with well-defined seasons, low humidity and favourable temperatures. The producer and agronomist consultant, Guy Carvalho, bought Fazenda Paraiso in 1990. He is passionate about coffee and his approach is very much quality-driven.
Harvested between May and August, the cherries are picked by automated systems – Guy is keen to embrace the use of technology and sees it as a key tool in the future of coffee. Some areas this is by ‘hands’ as the slopes are too steep, and others by more traditional threshers.
The farm has drying patios and uses modern processing equipment including a washer and a pulper. A mechanical mucilage remover is used to produce pulped natural coffees during periods of excessive rain. The beans are then taken to the patios and sorted, dried, and processed under the sun for initial drying stages and finished in guardiolas to keep maximum control over moisture levels.
This is a super versatile coffee with a full body and low acidity, with lovely tasting notes of milk chocolate, nuts, and caramelised biscuit. We expect this to be very popular!
COSTA RICA TARRAZU HERMOSA HONEY: 18/03/2024 - 31/03/2024
Country: Costa Rica
Process Method: Honey
Altitude: 1500 -1800m
Tasting Notes: Orange, Caramel, Macadamia nut
Advised Brew Method: V60. 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
We are finishing March strongly here with a lovely honey process coffee from Coope Dota in the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica.
In the small town of Santa Maria de Dota, at the centre of the coffee growers of Tarrazu that contribute to it, is the coffee processing mill and facilities belonging to Coope Dota. Established back in 1960, they currently represent around 900 small growers and hold the title as the first coffee processor in the world to be certified as carbon neutral, back in 2011.
The varietals grown are mainly Caturra and Catuai, but some farmers are experimenting with Obata; the cross between Timor Hybrid and Villa Sarchi brought to Costa Rica from Brazil by ICAFE in 2014.
The coffee is picked by hand and pulped mechanically, with 70% of the mucilage left on the bean - with the cherry being agitated just enough to ensure even drying without any over fermentation - ready for the fermentation stage and drying on patios.
You can expect to taste strong notes of orange and caramel, with a subtle hint of rich, creamy macadamia nut.
NICARAGUA JINOTEGA ALDEA: 04/03/2024 - 17/03/2024
Country: Nicaragua
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1200 -1800m
Tasting Notes: Cocoa, Malt, Almond
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
This washed coffee comes from the Asociacion Aldea Global Jinotega. This is a cooperative that we have worked with for years now, so we know how good the coffee they produce is.
This is a brand new harvest from the cooperative which we’re super excited about and so we wanted to share it with our Roaster’s Choice subscribers first. The coffee is shade grown, before being washed and then sundried. It has an SCA score of 85.
In the cup, you can expect a really delicious combination of cocoa, malt and almond tasting notes with a medium body and a subtle sweet honey finish – making this a super easy to drink coffee.
We’ve been enjoying this as a flat white as it’s lovely through milk, but it’s a really versatile coffee that can be brewed and enjoyed however you please.
GUATEMALA ZACAPA: 19/02/2024 - 03/03/2024
Country: Guatemala
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 900 -1100m
Tasting Notes: Milk chocolate, Caramelised apple
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
Zacapa, which sits towards the Honduran border, is renowned for its rum brand – but it’s also home to great coffee. The coffee we get from here, through FEDECOCAGUA, is an example of high-quality washed coffee. Because it grows at a fairly low altitude, it’s harvested early and so marks the start of the new coffee season.
Despite the lower altitude and early harvest, no attention to detail is spared. The coffee cherries are picked when fully ripe, then pulped, fermented in water tanks, and finally dried—often on patios nestled between houses or at centralized processing mills.
In your cup, expect a delightful combination of sweet milk chocolate notes followed by hints of caramelized apple. This stunning coffee is a versatile choice and showcases the differences between coffees from the same origin, especially when compared to the Huehuetenango ASDECAFE Organic we sent out at the start of 2024.
PERU PICHANAKI ORGANIC: 05/02/2024 - 18/02/2024
Country: Peru
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1100 -1700m
Tasting Notes: Biscuit, Caramel, Stone Fruit
Advised Brew Method: Espresso. 19g in, 44g out. Extraction time of 25-28 seconds.
This coffee is certified organic and has a really lovely balanced flavour profile. You can expect a strong nutty aroma whilst brewing, followed by tasting notes of digestive biscuits, caramel, and some slight stone fruit acidity.
This coffee makes a really smooth cup and is a great example of a washed Peruvian coffee. Easy to drink all day long!
It comes from 198 producers in the COINCA Cafes Especiales (CCE) program. In the region of Chachamayo, producers grow Catuai, Catimor, Caturra, and other varieties of coffee bean between 1100 and 1700 metres above sea level.
The red cherries are pulped by hand, floated to remove any poor quality beans, fermented for between 16 and 20 hours, and then dried for three to four days on patios at the farms.
CONGO KIVU 4: 22/01/2024 – 04/02/2024
Country: DR Congo
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1700 -2000m
Tasting Notes: Watermelon, Citrus, Almond, and Redcurrant
Advised Brew Method: V60. 1:15 ratio - 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
Congo Kivu 4 is grown on the shores of lake Kivu in DR Congo. The coffees grown near these shores are very distinct and as such, are helping to put DR Congo on the map in the world of speciality coffee. The soil is rich in nutrients being in close vicinity to both Lake Kivu and the active volcano, Mount Nyiragongo, which makes the soil ideal for growing coffee.
So, what tasting notes can you expect with this coffee? Strong hints of watermelon are blended with some bright and zesty citrus notes, some nutty almond notes, and some sweet redcurrant flavours which bring an enjoyable juiciness.
This one is a little different and so we’re sure those of you who like trying something new will enjoy it! If you typically enjoy Rwandan coffee, then you’ll be interested to know that lake Kivu borders Rwanda, and coffees from both origins often share similar characteristics.
Country: Guatemala
Process Method: Washed
Altitude: 1400 -1800m
Tasting Notes: Milk chocolate, Citrus, and Berry
Advised Brew Method: V60. 1:15 ratio - 20g in, 300g out. Brew time of 3 minutes.
We are starting our Roaster's Choice subscription for 2024 with a bang with this smooth and complex coffee from Guatemala. You can expect milk chocolate, citrus, and strawberry tasting notes and a very silky mouthfeel which we are sure you will thoroughly enjoy!
This coffee is a fully washed lot, comprised of Catuai, Bourbon, and Pache varieties. Grown at 1400-1800masl, it is produced by La Asociacion Sostenible de Café de Guatemala (ASDECAFE).
ASDECAFE is a sustainable coffee association in Guatemala with more than 1,000 active producer members. It was founded in September 2013 and includes seven co-ops in the regions of Huehuetenango and El Quiche. ASDECAFE is committed to sustainability and environmental protections, the equitable distribution of all generated income, and is intently focused on using good agricultural and post-harvest practices to improve its members’ coffee quality. The association received Organic certification around 2014.
We keep a track of all of the coffee’s that we select for our Roaster’s Choice subscription, dating back to the start of 2023. If you have any specific questions, or would like to learn more about any of the coffees that we have selected, then please get in touch and we’ll be more than happy to help!
How do coffee subscriptions work?
Coffee subscriptions are a convenient way to ensure you get your daily caffeine fix. The process is straightforward and flexible. First, you choose your coffee and set your grind. Next, you select a subscription plan that suits your preferences, whether it’s a monthly or bi-weekly delivery. Once you’ve made your choices, your coffee is then freshly hand roasted to order, before the beans are then carefully packaged and shipped to your address. It’s a hassle-free and efficient way to enjoy speciality coffee without ever running out, and it allows you to explore different coffee varieties, origins, and profiles, enriching your coffee journey one cup at a time.
Here at Iron & Fire, we know you need flexibility and so we give you full control over your subscription – you are free to modify, pause or cancel at any time. Enjoy your perfect coffee on your terms.
Why are coffee subscriptions so popular?
According to the British Coffee Association, we now drink approximately 98 million cups of coffee per day in the UK. That’s a lot of people drinking a lot of coffee. Therefore, it should really come as no surprise to hear that so many people are looking for the best way to buy their coffee. In recent years, coffee subscriptions have gained immense popularity among coffee enthusiasts. These subscriptions offer a convenient way to receive freshly roasted coffee beans regularly, ensuring you always have a steady supply of high-quality coffee at your fingertips. Additionally, coffee subscriptions provide a unique opportunity to explore a wide range of coffee beans, flavours, and profiles that you might not have encountered otherwise – no more scouring for that elusive perfect blend.
Coffee subscriptions also make for the perfect gift. And the Iron & Fire Roaster’s Choice coffee subscription is no exception; it’s truly the gift that keeps on giving! It provides a unique experience as a gift and allows the recipient to enjoy a journey of coffee from around the world. The ever-changing selection of beans ensures that each delivery is a new and exciting experience, making it the perfect present for someone who craves variety and quality in their daily cuppa’ coffee. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a simple gesture of appreciation, a coffee subscription is a thoughtful gift that shows you understand and appreciate their passion for exceptional coffee.
Head over to our coffee subscription gift page to learn more.
The pros of coffee subscriptions
They save money
Brits are spending more money than ever on takeaway coffees, but you can save yourself some coins by making your own coffee with a coffee subscription. Indeed, coffee subscriptions are a brilliant way to save money and, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to save money right now? At Iron & Fire, you will get 10% off your coffee by purchasing a coffee subscription.
Plus, by ordering the exact amount of coffee you want and when you need it, you drastically reduce the chance of your coffee going to waste. Savings all round!
They save time
With an Iron & Fire coffee subscription, you save yourself the hassle of having to place a new order each time. When you sign up, your coffee beans will automatically be ordered and dispatched according to your instructions when you set the subscription up. Regardless of how easy it is to order our coffee, this is time you can now spend doing other important things… like drinking coffee.
They are convenient
You wearily trudge downstairs, still half asleep, and head straight to make your coffee – only to realise you’ve run out of beans! We’ve all been there at one point or another, and it sucks. But with a coffee subscription, you will never run out of coffee. That means no more last-minute trips to the shop! Your favourite coffee beans automatically delivered straight to your door – could it get more convenient?
They offer better coffee
It goes without saying that the coffee you’ll receive in a subscription from Iron & Fire is far more fresh than anything you can pick up at the supermarket. Considering the taste of your coffee is affected by the date it was roasted (and not a ‘best before’ date), it’s vitally important to get your coffee as fresh as possible. The best way to guarantee freshness is by purchasing your coffee from a roastery like Iron & Fire, and a subscription is the best way to purchase it!
Additionally, the Roaster’s Choice speciality coffee features some of our favourites and most popular coffees. They are sourced from the finest coffee-producing regions around the world and are roasted to give a full complex speciality taste. We have beans coming from the rich, fertile soils of Africa, Central America, and South America. Each region imparts its unique flavours to the beans, resulting in a coffee that is as diverse as its source.
The best part is that you will gain knowledge about the coffee that you receive, including the country of origin, the production method, the tasting notes, and the best way to make and drink it.
So, don’t miss out – try our personalised coffee subscription service right away and elevate your coffee experience the easy way!